Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Configure Picklist Inside the Product Configurator.

While performing Siebel product configuration, multiple place you might need to configure the Pick list based on a list of value or any business components.

The Steps to Configuring Picklist inside the Product Configurator are:
Outside of product configuration:
Create a Pick Applet by following the normal pick applet configuration.
Create a Pick List by following the normal pick applet configuration..
Product Configurator:
                                                   Click on the property tab
                         Select the attribute from the hierarchy view, where in the pick applet need to visible to the user.
                         Create the below properties:
<<Name of the Pick Applet>>
<<Name of the Pick List>>
<PickMap Field = "AttrName" PickField = "BC Field Name"/>
<PickMap Field = "AttrName 2" PickField = "BC Field Name2"/>

Sample configuration:


  1. Hi,

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  2. Hi Jose,

    I am Richard, but when you attempt to click on this pick applet does not open, you know it could be?

  3. In Siebel (Innovation Pack 2013 – Vanilla SRF) I define an Attribute that have a Business Component domain following the instructions described in Ch. 7 - Product Attributes with Business Component Domains of “Siebel Product Administration Guide” including the UI properties (PickList, PickMap, etc. ) on the Attribute that has values the user can select from a Pick Applet. All works fine when the user pick the value for the Attribute defined using the eConfigurator. Instead, when the Siebel Administrator set using the default value in “Administration – Product” Screens for the Attribute with Business Component domain or define a Constraint, opening the eConfigurator the primary Attribute value is set correctly, but the other Attributes in Pick Map whose values depends on the primary Attribute are not automatically selected as expected.
